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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.10.09 11:38. Заголовок: BEATLES

Куда ж без них?

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.06.10 11:56. Заголовок: Толпа мексиканцев ат..

Толпа мексиканцев атаковала автобус Пола Маккартни

Сэр Пол Маккартни попал в неприятную ситуацию после концерта в столице Мексики, когда на его тур-автобус напала толпа молодежи. Инцидент, как сообщает британский таблоид The Daily Mirror со ссылкой на свои источники, произошел ранним утром в минувшую субботу, 29 мая.

Экс-битл давал в Мехико сольный концерт на стадионе Foro Sol в рамках своего тура Up And Coming Tour по Северной и Южной Америкам. После выступления Маккартни отправился вместе со своей командой на автобусе в аэропорт. Часть маршрута пролегала через неблагоприятный район на окраине города; там на пути автобуса и встретилась толпа.

Музыкант решил, что это его поклонники и остановил автобус для того, чтобы их поприветствовать. Однако молодые люди принялись раскачивать автобус, залезать на крышу и прыгать по ней. Экс-битл и его команда, шокированные происходящим, были вынуждены спешно вызвать полицию, чтобы она разогнала хулиганов.

Пол Маккартни в результате инцидента не пострадал, однако его менеджер уже озаботился усилением для него охраны, отмечает The Daily Mirror.

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.06.10 13:18. Заголовок: Пол Маккартни спел &..

Пол Маккартни спел "Michelle" для Мишель Обамы

Бывший участник The Beatles, сэр Пол Маккартни награжден премией братьев Гершвинов, присуждаемой Библиотекой Конгресса США за достижения в поп-музыке. Торжественная церемония, на котором присутствовали президент США Барак Обама и первая леди Мишель Обама, состоялась в Белом доме 2 июня, сообщает Associated Press.

Вручая музыканту премию, Барак Обама назвал Пола Маккартни самым успешным автором-исполнителем в истории. Президент отметил, что песни Маккартни, несмотря на то, что сам он является британцем, стали неотъемлемой и важной частью американской культуры. "Это правда, мы украли вас, сэр Пол", - заявил Обама.

Церемония плавно перетекла в концерт, в ходе которого известные музыканты перепевали композиции новоявленного лауреата премии Гершвинов. В частности, Стиви Уандер исполнил "We Can Work It Out", группа Jonas Brothers - "Drive My Car", Корин Бейли Рэй - "Blackbird", а Фейт Хилл - "The Long and Winding Road".

Затем на сцену поднялся сам Пол Маккартни, который исполнил со своей группой ряд битловских хитов, включая "Eleanor Rigby" и "Got to Get You Into My Life". Любовную балладу "Michelle" он адресовал напрямую первой леди США, заранее попросив прощения у Барака Обамы. После он заявил, что очень хотел сыграть эту песню в Белом доме для Мишель Обамы, и пошутил, что после такого, наверное, станет первым парнем, побитым президентом.

Завершился концерт песней "Hey Jude", которую с Маккартни хором исполнил весь зал, включая вышедшую на сцену президентскую чету.

Напоследок сэр Пол в шутку предложил сделать подобные концерты в Белом доме регулярными. "Мы можем выступать у вас во время ланча. Много с вас не возьмем", - заявил Маккартни.

Премия имени Джорджа и Айры Гершвинов была учреждена в 2007 году. Ее первым лауреатом стал Пол Саймон, а вторым - Стиви Уандер.

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.06.10 11:49. Заголовок: К открывающемуся зав..

К открывающемуся завтра кубку мира по Футболу,Steven D. Stark & Harrison Stark выпустили книжку World Cup 2010: The Indespensible Guide to Soccer and Geopolitics.

В книге довольно смешно приводиться характеристика каждой из команд участниц с помощью песен битлов.

Group A
Mexico – “I Should Have Known Better”
South Africa – “When I Get Home”
France – “Tell Me What You See”
Uruguay “Helter Skelter”

Group B
Argentina – “Come Together (Over Me)”
Nigeria – “Please Please Me”
South Korea – “Don’t Pass Me By”
Greece “Get Back”

Group C
England – “Carry That Weight”
USA – “I Me Mine”
Slovenia – “Nowhere Man”
Algeria – “It’s All Too Much”

Group D
Germany – “I’ll Get You”
Ghana – “Getting Better”
Australia – “You Know What To Do”
Serbia – “Slow Down”

Group E
Netherlands – “With a Little Help From My Friends”
Cameroon – “I’ve Got a Feeling”
Denmark – “I Feel Fine”
Japan – “All Together Now”

Group F
Italy – “When I’m 64″
Paraguay – “All I’ve Got To Do”
Slovakia – “You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)”
New Zealand – “I’m a Loser”

Group G
Brazil – “Free As A Bird”
Cote d’Ivoire – “Run For Your Life”
Portugal – “Let It Be”
North Korea – “Do You Want to Know a Secret”

Group H
Spain – “We Can Work It Out”
Switzerland – “I’m Only Sleeping”
Chile – “Bad Boy”
Honduras – “Help!”


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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Петербург
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.06.10 19:28. Заголовок: Интересно, какая пес..

Интересно, какая песня подошла бы для сборной России?
"Can't Buy Me Love", например.

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.06.10 20:23. Заголовок: Может "Golden sl..

Может "Golden slumbers"?

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Петербург
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.06.10 21:55. Заголовок: В самую точку :sm3:..

В самую точку

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.06.10 10:27. Заголовок: Вчера новую суперсов..

Вчера новую суперсовременную подводную лодку в присутствии нашего президента спустили на воду в Северодвинске.Оказывается в качестве музыкального сопровождения использовалась в том числе и Yellow Submarine,странно что не Smoke on the water,но все равно довольно цинично.


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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.06.10 20:13. Заголовок: Ringo Starr launches..

Ringo Starr launches North American tour with a little help from his friends

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. - Ringo Starr and his All Starr Band will spread peace and love to 30 cities across North America, including three stops in Canada.

The annual summer tour was unveiled Wednesday at the Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls, where the tour kicks off with two shows Thursday (June 24) and Friday (June 25). This is the 11th edition of the All Starr band since 1989.

"I love hanging out with musicians," said the 69-year-old ex-Beatle as he introduced the newest All Starr lineup. Returning from previous lineups are keyboards/sax player Edgar Winter, drummer Gregg Bissonette and keyboardist Gary Wright.

Joining them are guitarist Rick Derringer, The Romantics' Wally Palmar on guitar, and Mr. Mister's Richard Page on bass.

"We are the 1-800 band," Ringo said of his power-packed group. "The main thing I'm looking for when I pick who's in the band is hits. They have to have hits, and we've got lots in this band."

Besides Ringo's hits that include "Photograph," "It Don't Come Easy," and a smattering of Beatles songs, like "With a Little Help From My Friends" and "Yellow Submarine," the set-list for this tour will also feature the likes of Mr. Mister's "Broken Wings," The Romantics' "What I Like About You," Derringer's "Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo," Wright's "Love Is Alive," and Winter's "Free Ride."

With media from Ontario and northern New York state in attendance, as well as about 50 invited guests from the casino, the band played a sample set of eight songs, which featured a new Ringo song from his latest Y Not album, The Other Side of Liverpool.

The album also features the other surviving Beatle, Paul McCartney, sitting in on vocals and bass on "Walk With Me." Asked if there was a chance McCartney might join a future All Starr lineup, Ringo said he used to ask George Harrison but it never happened. "I can't ask him anymore, obviously."

One of the highlights of the tour will be a 70th birthday party at New York City's Radio City Music Hall on July 7, Ringo's birthday. He was asked if there's any significance in having the event in New York.

"It happens to be where we are in the tour," he said.

Two years ago, when asked if he had a birthday wish, Ringo said "more peace and love." That kicked off an impromptu campaign every July 7 at noon when fans around the world are encouraged to give the peace sign. This year's Peace and Love event takes place at New York's Hard Rock Cafe.

Mr. Mister's Page said he was at first intimidated to be asked to join the All Starrs.

"We're going back to the source here with The Beatles," he said. "But Ringo's funny as hell and doesn't take himself seriously at all."

Following the news conference, Ringo recalled his famous words at The Beatles' rooftop performance of "Get Back" when he thanked everyone for coming.

"Thank you, have a great life, and please pass by the casino on your way out."

Canadian tour dates include:

June 24-25, Niagara Falls (Fallsview Casino)

July 23, Windsor

July 28, Calgary

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/entertainment/Ringo<\/u><\/a>+Starr+launches+North+American+tour+with+little+help+from+friends/3195568/story.html#ixzz0rn8uEJ6G

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.06.10 20:32. Заголовок: Пол Маккартни напише..

Пол Маккартни напишет балет

Сэру Полу Маккартни заказали музыку для балета, и бывший "битл" уже начал работу над ней. Об этом сам он рассказал радиостанции "Би-Би-Си".

Маккартни заявил, что испытывает прилив энтузиазма, так как очень любит пробовать себя в чем-то новом. "Поступило предложение, а писать музыку мне нравится, так что я согласился", - рассказал он. Композитор признался, что сам еще не знает о чем будет балет. Кроме того, перед ним не поставили срок, к которому музыка должна быть закончена, сообщил Маккартни.

Участник The Beatles ранее уже пробовал свои силы в академической музыке. В 1991 году вместе с Карлом Дэвисом он написал "Ливерпульскую ораторию" в честь 150-летия Оркестра королевской филармонии в Ливерпуле. Последним на сегодняшний день классическим опытом Маккартни стал альбом 2006 года "Ecce Cor Meum".

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.06.10 20:33. Заголовок: Автограф Леннона про..

Автограф Леннона продан за 1 миллион 200 тысяч долларов

Автограф Джона Леннона с текстом песни The Beatles "A Day In The Life" продан на Sotheby's за 810 тысяч фунтов стерлингов (1 миллион 202 тысячи долларов). Об этом сообщает CNN.

Лист бумаги с рукописным текстом был куплен частным американским коллекционером. Всего в торгах участвовали три человека. Эстимейт лота составлял, по оценкам организаторов аукциона, от 500 до 700 тысяч долларов.

До этого самым дорогим автографом The Beatles считался рукописный текст песни "All You Need Is Love" он был продан в 2005 за 690 тысяч фунтов стерлингов. Таким образом, как отмечает The Daily Telegraph, при учете оригинальных сумм, заплаченных за оба автографа, рукопись "A Day In The Life" установила ценовой рекорд.

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постоянный участник

Зарегистрирован: 14.03.10
Откуда: Россия, Ярославль
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.06.10 07:30. Заголовок: 27 июня 2010г. все ж..

27 июня 2010г. все желающие могут посмотреть на YouTube прямую трансляцию концерта Пола Мак-Картни на фестивале Hard Rock Calling в Гайд-парке в поддержку благотворительной кампании BORN HIV FREE: http://www.youtube.com/bornhivfree<\/u><\/a>


Life is real Спасибо: 0 

Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.06.10 21:05. Заголовок: Paul McCartney plays..

Paul McCartney plays George Harrison ‘Something’ on ukulele

There was a certain sense of sadness at Hard Rock Calling last night when Sir Paul first mentioned John Lennon and played a tribute to him, but then reminded us further of our mortality by moving on to a celebration of Beeatles guitarist and all around musical inspiration Mr George Harrison, who again is no longer with us.

McCartney told the crowd: “as many of you will know, George was a very talented Ukulele player”. Apparently on one occasion they were both sitting together with said instrument and Paul said, “I’m going to learn one of your songs in the ukulele” … and so he did.

Here’s a video taken from the crowd which gives you a feel for the performance. Macca starts on his own with nothing more than a ukulele, his voice and the crowd participation, before being joined by the whole band in what becomes a beautiful version of a great song:


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постоянный участник

Зарегистрирован: 14.03.10
Откуда: Россия, Ярославль
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.06.10 06:13. Заголовок: Если кому интересно,..

Если кому интересно, то вот полная трансляция концерта:

ЗЫ: именно "полная трансляция".... Ибо закончилась она "back to ussr", в то время как концерт еще продолжался и, по словам очевидцев, довольно долго...

Life is real Спасибо: 0 

Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.06.10 11:40. Заголовок: Пол,зажигает от души..

Пол,зажигает от души.

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.07.10 21:41. Заголовок: All Ringo Starr Want..

All Ringo Starr Wants for His 70th Birthday Is 'Peace and Love'


What sort of birthday gift is appropriate for the man who has everything? Well, if that man is Ringo Starr, who will be celebrating his milestone 70th on July 7, there's only one present on his list, and it's one that won't cost its givers a penny. He would simply like to have "peace and love." And all anyone has to do to gift-wrap and deliver this special present to him is to say or tweet or communicate any way at all those three little words that mean a lot at the designated time of noon.

For fans who would like to celebrate with Starr in person, the legendary Beatles drummer will be reconvening his All Starr Band – featuring Edgar Winter, Rick Derringer and Gary Wright, among others – for the 11th time in order to play a series of US dates, including a gala on his actual birthday at New York's legendary Radio City Music Hall. To prep for his big day, the man born as Richard Starkey in Liverpool seven decades ago spoke to Spinner about why "peace and love" is not just a '60s concept, how he realized he was destined to be a drummer when he was a seriously ill 13-year-old and why he's not quite ready to retire almost 60 years hence.

You're clearly a man who has enough material goods, and you surely don't need more of that. You do say you want one thing for your birthday, and that's peace and love.

I do. At noon, wherever you are in the world; but in America while I'm talking to you – you're in Florida, Atlanta, L.A., anywhere – at 12 noon wherever you are, just for me, if you could put your fingers up and go, "Peace and love," that would be great. That's the world's present to me.

Many of the songs on your most recent albums tend to be about universal themes rather than of more personal topics. What brought upon this shift in perspective?

Well, I honestly feel that no matter what I write, it's a love song. It's the love of a person, it's the love of life, it's being open and honest. So I don't actually sit there all of the time to just write a universal song, but I write these songs so that they have mainly a positive attitude to the song.

Back in the '60s, the Beatles were able to get the message of peace and love across, and it was reciprocated in kind. Do you still think musicians in this day and age can affect the world for the better?

I do, I think they can. But I'm out doing it my way, which is the "peace and love" way. And you know, "All you need is love." It started in the '60s, but I like to equate it to – like, that's when the flower started opening and it's still opening. And I decided that that's the way I wanted to present myself, in a peace and love way.

And accordingly, you're having this big peace-and-love birthday celebration at noon.

We're celebrating at the Hard Rock in [New York's ] Times Square.

You're also hosting a group of concerts, getting the All Starr Band back together and on the road again to spread the message of peace and love, as well as to celebrate your birthday. What inspired you to go, "Let's get the boys together again and really get this going?"

Well, first of all, I just wanted to put the All Starr Band together again and go on tour this year – and it coincided with my birthday, because I have one every year. And we were booked into Radio City Music Hall, so I thought, "Well, let's have fun with this." I think we've got six gigs before we get to Radio City Music Hall. I've got 31 gigs in all, and it's just become part of that week now.

You just recently released your 'Y Not' album and now you're going on tour at age 70. Why do you still feel the need to rock 'n' roll when most septuagenarians are collecting a pension?

I'm still a musician, and it's the dream from when I was 13 – to be a drummer and to play with good players. And thank God I still get the opportunity to do this. And I found the best way for me to do this is to go on tour with an all-star band; that way I get the best of both worlds. I'm in the front, but then I can get back on my drums and play with all of these other great musicians.

So it sounds like it's a perfect setup to be the frontman – be the person getting your message across – and also just do the thing you enjoy doing most: playing drums with a bunch of people you like being with.

It's perfect for me. Exactly.

So you started drumming when you were 13?

I didn't start when I was 13, I dreamt when I was 13 of being a drummer. I was in hospital with tuberculosis, and to keep us entertained – I also learned to knit in this hospital – they used to bring these percussion instruments once every 10 days or two weeks. And, you know, you could hit the little snare drum, or you could shake your little maraca or hit the triangle. Anyway, I hit the drum and fell in love with it.

Now, looking back at the 13-year-old Richard Starkey, do you think, "It's is so surreal that I'm in a time and place where I could credibly ask the world for peace and love and actually get responses"?

Oh, yeah, I'm asking. But I'm doing it for me. My thought is "peace and love." Now, if you join me on that, it's great because that's two people. Now if a hundred people join me on that, that's a hundred people. You know what I mean? It can build up. And I have fantasy that one day, the whole world at noon on July 7th will go, "Peace and love."


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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.07.10 20:34. Заголовок: Очередные неизвестны..

Очередные неизвестные фото битлов.

At home with the Beatles: Unseen photos taken by star-struck teenager who visited the Fab Four every weekend

For most Beatles fans, a meeting with one of their idols during their heyday would have been a dream come true.

However, for Sue Baker, it was a weekly occurrence.

The superfan was just 15 during the mid-Sixties when she would visit the Fab Four every weekend for two years.


Superfan: Sue Baker and her brother Philip with George Harrison at his psychedelic bungalow in Esher


Starr-struck: Sue Baker with Ringo outside his flower-power home in Weybridge

Mrs Baker, now a grandmother, took photos of Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr on their doorsteps.

She tracked down McCartney's London home having read a vague description of it in a Beatles magazine.

He eventually asked her if she ever visited the other three, and, when she said no, he gave her their addresses which she wrote on the back of an envelope.

She spent the next two years visiting each Beatle – and told how they were always happy to open the door to them.

However, if they were out recording, or on tour, Mrs Baker would have a chat with their wives and bring them chocolates.


Magical Mystery Tour: Sue, pictured with John Lennon at his home Kenwood in Weybridge, managed to track down the Fab Four


Baby You Can Drive My Car: Sue on the bonnet of George Harrison's Mini Cooper at his psychedelic bungalow

Mrs Baker, 59, who lives in Reading with husband Ken and has four children and two grandchildren, has decided to sell the photos and envelope - which are expected to fetch thousands of pounds at auction.

She said: 'I was a real Beatlemaniac and I remember reading in the Beatles Monthly magazine that Paul had moved into a new house.

'It gave a description so I went with a friend to try and find it. It had electric gates and an old lamppost in the front garden.

'We looked everywhere and eventually someone showed us where it was for half a crown.

'From then on we went every weekend and Paul would always come out and sign things for us.


Harrison's home with the words 'Mick And Marianne Were Here' painted below the window


The swimming pool in the garden of Harrison's bungalow

Then he asked if we visited the others and I said we didn't know where they lived.

'So he gave us their addresses and we started to visit them.’

Mrs Baker also asked her friend to take a picture of her sitting on Harrison’s Mini when he wasn't in - and then took a snap through his bedroom window.

On his house you can see among the loud painting the words ‘Mick and Marianne were here’ - referring to Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful.

There is a picture of Mrs Baker with Lennon who is sporting huge sideburns, and snaps of Starr with a cigarette in his hand.


Paperback Writer: Sue scribbled the the addresses given given to her by McCartney on the back of an envelope

The teenage fan had two paper rounds in her home town of Reading, Berkshire, to be able to afford to travel by train to meet her heroes.

She often took her five-year-old brother Phillip who is also in some of the photographs.

Phillip was about the same age as Lennon's son Julian and sometimes the pair would play together while Mrs Baker spoke with the legendary singer-songwriter at his home in Weybridge, Surrey.

Mrs Baker added: 'After a while the people who lived near John hired security because there were so many of us.

'They picked me and a friend up once and we insisted we were visiting John and he was expecting us.

'They knocked on his door and when he came out he said we were right and he was expecting us and never to stop people from knocking on his door again.

'Because I delivered newspapers to pay for my trips to see them I would read the news and anything that mentioned the Beatles.

'I put all the cuttings and the photographs in a box and it has been in the attic for years. I have been thinking about selling them for some time.

'I kept up the visiting for about two years during 1965, 1966 and 1967.

'I just hope someone gets enjoyment out of them. They bring back great memories for me.'

The sale at Cameo auctioneers in Reading takes places on August 3.

Spokesman Alan Pritchard said: 'This is a wonderful collection of unseen photographs and memorabilia.

'There are a lot of Beatles fans across the world and I'm sure they'd all love this unique archive.

'Already there has been a lot of interest as there always is with good Beatles memorabilia.'


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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.07.10 20:52. Заголовок: Пол Маккартни застав..

Пол Маккартни заставил McDonald's избавиться от его фотографий

Полу Маккартни удалось одержать верх в споре с представителями ресторанов быстрого питания McDonald's, без разрешения разместившими фотографии музыканта в одной из закусочных сети в родном для The Beatles Ливерпуле. Как сообщает The Daily Star, Маккартни добился того, чтобы его фото были удалены с рекламных плакатов McDonald's.

Закусочная в Ливерпуле разместила снимки Маккартни и других участников The Beatles осенью 2008 года. Узнав об этом сэр Пол, являющийся убежденным вегетарианцем, очень разозлился и призвал своих поклонников бойкотировать McDonald's. Он подчеркнул, что никогда бы не дал своего согласия на участие в рекламе продуктов из мяса.

Пол Маккартни отказался от употребления мяса и других продуктов животного происхождения более 30 лет назад. Музыкант рассказывал, что решил стать вегетарианцем, когда во время поедания блюда из баранины увидел пасущуюся на поле овцу. На протяжение нескольких десятков лет Маккартни активно выступает за защиту прав животных.

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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.07.10 21:47. Заголовок: Documentary: ‘How Th..

Documentary: ‘How The Beatles Rocked The Kremlin’


In many ways The Beatles can be held up as an example of Western capitalism at it’s strongest. Emerging from the UK and embraced in the US like no other, The Beatles laid the foundations for a level of fame and fortune never before imagined, and became heroes for millions of youngsters as they built up a fortune through music, film and memorabilia.

John, Paul, George and Ringo couldn’t have seemed more representative of the clash of ideals between the West and an East which was so widely seen as distant and cold in the era which saw The Beatles forging their place at the tip of Western culture. However, as filmmaker Leslie Woodhead found when he visited the Soviet Union in the mid-80s, the universal appeal of the Fab Four was by no means restricted to those on the western side of the Iron Curtain.

What Woodhead discovered was a fascinating sub-culture devoted to The Beatles in 1960s U.S.S.R. He heard stories of Beatles bootlegs and videos being quietly distributed amongst loyal fans, and of perpetrators being arrested if any were caught in possession of one of these treasured records. He was told of how The Beatles helped youngsters learn English, and how their influence led to crude homemade guitars being crafted by an eager youth who began to embrace the freedom of rock n roll for the first time.

His research shows that as the leaders of some of the world’s strongest powers were locked in technological, military and intellectual battles, The Beatles presented a common ground for the youngsters of those countries, who shared a passion for the band which was as strong in Moscow as it was in London and New York.

Woodhead’s resultant film, ‘How The Beatles Rocked The Kremlin‘, tells the story of perhaps The Beatles’ least known, but most significant contribution to the world, as they showcased a sense of freedom which fired the imagination of a generation which would eventually break free of the shackles of the Iron Curtain when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989.


Можно вроде посмотреть ,только не грузиться.


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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.08.10 20:46. Заголовок: Песни Джона Леннона ..

Песни Джона Леннона замуруют на 30 лет


Композиции из сольного репертуара Джона Леннона будут запечатаны в три мемориальные капсулы, которые откроют через 30 лет, сообщает Digital Spy.

Мероприятие приурочено к юбилею Леннона: 9 октября 2010 года музыканту исполнилось бы 70 лет. Капсулы будут распечатаны в октябре 2040 года, то есть в год столетия Джона. "Я с удовольствием поддержала это начинание. Музыка Джона, его послание о мире и любви дойдет до детей завтрашнего дня", - заявила Йоко Оно, вдова Леннона.

Вместе с песнями Леннона в капсулы поместят материалы, подготовленные поклонниками музыканта. Заполнив форму на специальном сайте, можно отправить пожелания музыканту на день рождения, каверы на песни Джона и даже просто свои мысли о его творчестве.

Уже известно, что одна из трех капсул будет храниться в музее Зала славы рок-н-ролла. Информации о том, где будут находиться еще две капсулы, пока нет.


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Зарегистрирован: 23.10.09
Откуда: Россия, Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.08.10 22:08. Заголовок: Ringo Starr and his ..

Ringo Starr and his All-Starrs give a great show at Ste. Michelle Winery in Seattle

August 1, 2010 - Ringo Starr and his All-Starr band performed at Ste. Michelle Winery in Woodinville last night, July 31, east of Seattle.

We arrived around 4:15 and were treated to part of the soundcheck, which was closed, but we could hear it all the same. After a cloudy and breezy day, the weather was beginning to break and the sunshine burst through for a very enjoyable evening of music from the ex-Beatle and his current line-up of classic hits musicians.

This is the 11th version of the All-Starrs since 1989, four decades of touring since Ringo was a Beatle.

The Eleventh All-Star Band Members include:

Ringo Starr – drums, vocals
Wally Palmer – guitar, vocals (the Romantics)
Rick Derringer – guitar, vocals (the McCoys, Edgar Winter, Derringer Band)
Edgar Winter – keyboards, saxophone, vocals
Gary Wright – keyboards, vocals
Richard Page – Bass, vocals (Mr. Mister)
Gregg Bissonette – drums, vocals

Ringo’s tour is promoting his latest album Y Not, his first album since 2008′s Liverpool 8′ in 2008. It features a duet with Paul McCartney on Walk With You, the album’s lead single; and includes guest appearances by Joe Walsh, Joss Stone, Ben Harper, and Richard Marx.

(see slideshow of our pictures below as well as a you tube of some rehearsal video on the east coast introducing the band and giving a taste of the music.)

In attendance at last night’s show included Alan White (of Yes, former drummer for John Lennon), Donn Bennett of Donn Bennett’s Drum Studios in Bellevue, and Seattle Pop Culture Examiner Gillian Gaar, (see her Ringo review here) author of “Return of the King: Elvis’s Great Comeback.”

Ringo came on stage on-time at 7:15 with his All-Starrs, for a two hour set of rock classic hits from the Beatles and his All-Starrs former hits. From Y Not, Ringo sang "The Other Side Of Liverpool" and "Peace Dream", the 2005 track Choose Love. From his '70s solo hits he did "It Don't Come Easy," "Back Off Boogaloo" and "Photograph." From the Beatles, he sang "Act Naturally," "Boys," "I Wanna Be Your Man," "Yellow Submarine," and "With A Little Help From My Friends."

Ringo’s humor was in full-swing, making comments now and then about the wine being consumed by the crowd in the reserved seats as well as the sprawling lawn covered with lawn chairs, blankets and little tables with cheese and grapes, imitating someone slurring “more wine!!!” which was hilarious.

At the end of the show, which had no encore (I guess the old “this is the part where we run off, you scream, and then we come back and do more songs. So let’s skip that part and we’ll just stay here”, is also getting old.) Ringo yelled out, “I love you ALL. Thank you very much everyone!” The band bowed and they left suddenly it seemed, leaving us to quickly pack up our blankets before we were trampled down.

Edgar Winter performed his legendary hit "Frankenstein," explaining to the audience in his famous southern drawl that he was the “first one in musical history to do theeee—issss!” and to great cheers, slung the strapped keyboard over his shoulders to begin the awesome song that everyone stood up for. He also did his hit, "Free Ride" which had the audience up dancing and doing air-punches in unison.

Gary Wright did his etherical hit "Dream Weaver" and "Love Is Alive”, explaining how he got the idea for Dream Weaver. He talked about his friendship with George Harrison. He explained that in 1972, George Harrison invited him to join him in India and gave him the book, Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. It would deeply inspire him. He came across a poem that talked about the mind weaving dreams, and that is how this song was born. Gary Wright has a new album called “Connected” and a beautiful new song called “Satisfied.” Ringo then made the comment, "George never gave ME a book!" getting laughs from the crowd.

Rick Derringer launched into an rocking version of his "Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo" -- as well as an energetic rendition of his early McCoys hit "Hang On Sloopy." At that point, with everyone on their feet and dancing with wine glasses in their hands, on their blankets, I commented that “this makes me feel like I’m at Woodstock…” (At Rick's website he has included the video of McCartney's appearance for Ringo's birthday at Radio City Music Hall)

Wally Palmer (the Romantics) did "Talking In Your Sleep" and "What I Like About You." Ringo took the mic and said “I did some talking in my sleep once many years ago and that’s what got me into trouble!” invoking much laughter in the audience.

Mr. Mister's Richard Page performed the band's mid-'80s classics "Kyrie" and "Broken Wings."

Here is the set-list:

"It Don't Come Easy"

"Honey Don't" (Ringo Starr)

"Choose Love" (Ringo Starr)
"Hang On Sloopy" (Rick Derringer)
"Free Ride" (Edgar Winter)
"Talking In Your Sleep" (Wally Palmer)
"I Wanna Be Your Man" (Ringo Starr)
"Dream Weaver" (Gary Wright)
"Kyrie" (Richard Page)
"The Other Side Of Liverpool" (Ringo Starr)
"Yellow Submarine" (Ringo Starr)
"Frankenstein" (Winter)
"Peace Dream" (Ringo Starr)
"Back Off Boogaloo" (Ringo Starr)
"What I Like About You" (Wally Palmer)
"Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo/Eruption" (Rick Derringer)
"Boys" (Ringo Starr)
"Love Is Alive" (Gary Wright)
"Broken Wings" (Richard Page)
"Photograph" (Ringo Starr)
"Act Naturally" (Ringo Starr)

At the end, Ringo said "Now this next song got a really poor reception last night and if you don't like it, we'll just drop it from the tour." After which he launched into the Billy Shears intro and everyone cheered, then going into "With A Little Help From My Friends."

The show ended with a tribute to John Lennon with Lennon's "Give Peace A Chance", as a big peace sign came up on the screen behind the stage. It was a wonderful ending and a great night of fun music.

There are just three dates left to Ringo’s tour on the west coast:

August 5 - Rancho Mirage, CA - The Show At Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa
August 6 - San Diego, CA - Humphrey's Concerts By The Bay
August 7 - Los Angeles, Greek Theatre


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